Health & Safety Policy
This is the Health and Safety Policy Statement under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 for Chasetown Civil Engineering Limited.
It is the policy of this company to conduct its activities with regard for the health and safety of all its employees, sub-contractors and members of the public.
The management of this company accepts its responsibility to take all necessary steps to ensure that all systems of work are as safe as is reasonably practicable and all equipment is maintained in a safe condition and operated correctly.
We will ensure that any substances are used and handled in a safe manner.
Relevant training will be provided and the competence of all employees and sub-contractors to fulfil their responsibilities under this policy will be ensured.
Adequate information, instruction and supervision will be made available for every employee and sub-contractor.
Employees and sub-contractors will be consulted on matters affecting health and safety and this policy and any revisions will be brought to their attention.
All employees and sub-contractors will be expected to exercise personal responsibility in preventing work related ill health and injury to themselves and others, and to co-operate with the management in complying with health and safety legislation.
This Company will comply with both the requirements and the spirit of the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and all regulations and Codes of Practice made under this act. The company will work in accordance with requirements set out in the ISO 45001:2018 Integrated Management system.
This policy will be brought to the attention of employees and sub-contractors during their induction. It will be reviewed at regular intervals, revised as necessary and any amendments brought to the attention of the employees and sub-contractors. The specific details of the Company’s organisation, responsibilities and arrangements are detailed within the Company Health and Safety Policy.
Euan Grant
Date: 6th January 2025